To delete tags that have already been created, just do the following:
Our platform does not have an App. In other words, to use Intuitivo as a teacher, you will have to use it on your computer, tablet or cell phone, but always via the browser.
Apps do exist, but they are for students and work as a screen lock, so that when they are answering a test they can't access other pages.
To add and/or remove teachers within the School Space, you'll need to do the following:
Training at Intuitivo is only available for the School Plan. If your institution is part of this plan, simply get in touch with the institution and request the training. The scheduling of the training will be subsequently arranged directly with the institution.
Intuitivo has also conducted free training sessions open to all educators; however, there are no set dates for such events.
If you are part of a school space, the access credentials for the platform are sent via email to all teachers. Please check if the email ended up in your spam folder, and if you still have not received it, contact the school space administrator at your institution.
You can only copy exercises from your colleagues if they are in the exercise bank, or if they belong to a public test, so you can duplicate it and use the exercises. However, if you want to use an exercise from a duplicate test, you can only do so using the copied test as a base! In other words, copy the test, remove the exercises you don't want and add the extra exercises you do want.
It can happen that the teacher sets a start and end time for a test and yet, when the student leaves the test, they are unable to return, even though they are still within the time window set by the teacher.
In this case, the time on the student's device may be different, so we always advise you to check that the time on the student's device corresponds to the correct one.
If this situation still persists, please contact us at
To move your content from your personal space to your institution's space, you need to do the following:
To create and add colleagues to a group:
By following these steps, you can easily create a group and add your colleagues.
Yes, Intuitivo is designed for teachers and there is a completely free version of the platform for you. Just register and start using it!