New features at Intuitivo!

New features on the platform to make life even better for teachers!

To start the year off on the right foot, we've created new features based on the constructive and continuous feedback we receive from our users. These features have been implemented with you and all teachers in mind, so that you can increasingly enjoy and enrich your assessments.

The best teacher-friendly platform wants to continuously improve your quality of life!

New features:

  • Navigating within a test

From the navigator on the left-hand side of your test, students now have the option of navigating between questions more easily and realising which questions they have already answered.  

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  • Counting words

You can now see the word count in the students' answers to the exercises. This count always appears to the teacher and, optionally, to the student.

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  • Improvements to the text completion exercise 

When editing a text completion exercise, you can now edit the entire exercise, including the blank spaces, without having to redo the process, as the previously selected blank spaces will remain. 

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  • Editing publications

It is now possible to edit a test and its exercises after it has been published. These changes take effect in real time in the students' test, meaning that if you need to correct an error during a test, you can do so. These changes also have an effect on the automatic correction, for example, if you have chosen one option as correct and want to change it to another, you can do so, and the students' grades will be updated automatically. 

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  • Table exercise

We've added a new type of exercise: table. This type of exercise asks the student to select certain cells in a table/matrix. The teacher can choose between correction by row (points awarded for each correct row) or by table (points awarded for the entire table).  This way, you'll be able to use and enrich your assessments.

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Final Note

We are very proud to announce these new features at Intuitivo, and to continue working to improve the assessment process in schools for both teachers and students.

We wish you all an excellent school year with Intuitivo!


We are happy to answer any questions you may have. You can contact us at, or fill in one of the following forms: contacsupportfeedback